Our journey in the Autism Spectrum

Posts tagged ‘World Autism Awareness Day’

People & Puzzle Pieces Coming Together: A Quick Follow Up…

…and then I shall move on.

Yesterday on World Autism Awareness Day I posted this. The reactions and responses were overwhelming! That post received 269 views yesterday alone. I was stunned. I AM still stunned. I have never gotten over 75 views on any given day prior to yesterday. The comments and “Likes” that I received on this one post  surpassed the combined amount since I first started this blog over a year ago. Wow!

The experience has left me speechless. Well, almost speechless…I am truly appreciative to all who felt so moved to comment and/or “like” or share my blog. I am also equally appreciative of those who commented that they disagreed with what I had to say!

It hit to the very heart of it:

~informed discussion and debate, the exchanging of information and ideas: GOOD. Everyone has a right to their own feelings, ideas, opinions and they have a right to SHARE these.

~berating and belittling the ideas, feelings and opinions of others: NOT SO MUCH GOOD.

I do my best to pass on and share information on my blog and Facebook page that I feel might be of interest to everyone. If I feel that information and ideas have come from a reliable source and is accurate then I will share it even if I don’t necessarily agree with or follow that line of thought. Occasionally, if there is something I really don’t agree with then I will quietly choose not to pass it on. I will continue to do this.

I hope everyone will feel comfortable SHARING their autism, their thoughts and ideas, information and experiences…it’s all about coming together for our very special kids!

Again, I say  THANK YOU to everyone who follows, contributes, and supports my blog and Facebook page! 

~Karen (aka Chameleon)

My Official World Autism Awareness Day Post (and it ain’t pretty)

[Ed. Note: Alternately titled:  Cant’ We All Just Get Along?!?]

April 2, 2012. Today is World Autism Awareness Day.

Our house lit up blue last night and will continue throughout the month of April….and probably beyond as we did last year. All of our family is wearing blue with puzzle pieces today.  Lucy and I even have our fingers and toes painted blue. I will wear my autism awareness jewelry that I have acquired over the last year. Ultimately, today is not that much different for us than any other day.

But I wanted it to be different.

This year Henry actually understands that HE has autism. His little sister, Lucy, understands that this year as well.

I wanted it to be so much more for us this year. I have felt an urgency to DO more. But at the same time, I’ve been overwhelmed by it all and in turn unable to do much of anything. Most of all, right now I feel ANGRY and it’s not because my son has autism.

It’s upsetting for me to hear folks in the autism community arguing amongst ourselves about what causes  autism, treatments and therapies, which organizations to support or not to support. Actually, I’m pretty pissed off about it.  I’m sick of hearing the bickering, the ugly words exchanged. Who is right and who is wrong. Banning folks from Facebook pages, loudly “unliking” a page because we didn’t like something that was posted there.  It’s turning me off. And when that happens I want to shut down and walk away.

Inside me I am screaming at the autism community.

Can’t we all just get along, people!?!?! Don’t you see that we are ALL correct?!?! That there is no right and wrong? We’re in this TOGETHER and if we don’t stick together then where the hell does that leave us?

“Sticking together” doesn’t necessarily mean we all have to agree on everything.  There are a lot of folks in the autism community saying things that I don’t believe in or agree with. But, dammit, if their kid(s) have autism or if they themselves have autism (or sometimes BOTH!) then can’t we support them in their right to say what they want and to support who they want?  We don’t have to tear each other down or tell them we think they’re “wrong” and  that we’re “right”.

It shouldn’t matter that we all may feel differently about HOW we think our children developed autism or that we may have different ideas about “cures”, “treatments” and “therapy”.

Whether you believe the CDC’s recent numbers regarding autism or not, whether you support Autism Speaks or The Autism Society of American, or perhaps a local organization closer to home, does it really matter when it comes to our kids?

As Jess at Diary of a Mom says, “Autism is one word but there is no one autism.”

Nor is there one cause, one cure, one treatment, one therapy. There is no one color, one religion, one culture, one belief…

We should each be able to  promote OUR autism in any way WE want! And we must be respectful of  OTHERS that are doing it in THEIR own way! We should all be able to light up our homes in any flippin’ color we want! Or don’t light it up at all!

In the autism community we shout at the top of our lungs for others outside the community to be aware of autism, be aware of the differences in those on the autism spectrum. We want the world to accept those differences!

How about we practice what we preach, people?!? Let’s show the world BY EXAMPLE, shall we? We don’t always need to agree with everyone on every idea or issue. But we DO need to be RESPECTFUL, both in our support or in our disagreement.

Today is World Autism Awareness day. April is Autism Awareness month. I want MY autism community to RESPECTFULLY support however we EACH choose to promote and support OUR own autism. THAT is what makes us a true COMMUNITY.

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