Our journey in the Autism Spectrum

Posts tagged ‘not a post’

A Post That Isn’t Really a Post (Plans That Weren’t Really Plans)

We had plans for this weekend. Plans to be determined as we went along at whatever pace we chose. Our littlest chameleons were sent to the grandparents for the weekend and the teen chameleon left with us to be set on semi-auto-pilot.  Grant and I can move forward with or without her and quite frankly, she would rather spend time with her friends or in her room than do whatever we’re doing. (Unless food or shopping is involved and then she’s interested!) Fine.

We started  out as “planned but not really planned”.  Our leisurely afternoon and evening following  the big IEP meeting yesterday was lovely! (Still processing the IEP~ more on that to follow in a future post that will actually be a post!) Beautiful weather, a delicious lunch that involved wine and lobster (Lobster Carbonara to be exact because they took my favorite Lobster Ravioli off the menu! A crime!), nice quiet ride home for a bit more wine and relaxing on our deck.

We have a lot of chores that need to be done and we had “planned” to get to them. But we left the plan of actual execution of these chores open to mood and interpretation. Easy breezy. So far so good. We slept in today. Until 8AM. That’s insane crazy talk around here! NEVER happens. More quiet and coffee in bed and catching up on our sci-fi shows. Heaven!

And then when Grant could no longer contain his ADHD he was up and out in the garage doing what is truly relaxing for him. Cleaning and organizing. This was to give me some time to have more coffee, sit, relax, possibly write some, do a little organizing on my own, catch up on the laundry, etc. Again, easy-breezy.

But while I was checking my Facebook I came across a wall post from a friend who is having a gathering today at their home. Affectionately now known as “Club M”.  Though we were invited weeks ago, Grant and I felt that we just could not add one more “planned” activity to this weekend and we had guiltily declined. These types of weekends are so very rare for us! Plans that don’t have plans! Now one of the “M’s” in “Club M”  was posting me wanting to know if we were coming as apparently their teen nephew and our teen daughter have been texting, giving them the impression that we were indeed coming. Guilt. We want to see our friends too as the opportunity for Grant and I to hang-out with this group is also very rare. These are some of our oldest and truly dearest bunch of friends!

Fast forward in time in this blog post that is not really a blog post to NOW…the need, to connect with friends has overcome my need for a weekend of getting chores done and having some truly leisurely writing time. Quick conversations between Grant and the teen and myself have now been for making plans. We’re heading to Club M later this afternoon. We’ve decided. Now we must pick up the pace. How do we fit in what we have actually not “planned” to do but MUST get done and what we had actually planned to do. Follow me? Because at this point I am barely following myself.

What I do know is that as the timer has started ticking, the blog post(s) I had planned to post this weekend are not going to happen. Well, probably won’t. Yet, I was able to at least blog this. The post that’s not really the post I had planned to post. The timer is still ticking….I need to pick up my speed. We should know that plans for no “plans” are not our style. (As much as we sometimes wish they were!). Nope. This is not how the Rabinowitz’s roll and why we pretend otherwise is beyond me! I like and NEED a plan. It’s how I’m wired.

So for now I am off to try and get at least a small fraction of what I had not really “planned” to get done, done. So we can squeeze in a late lunch with the teen that we really did have PLANNED and still get out to see friends that we had NOT PLANNED at all! Oy vey! With this fast change in “plans” I have no plan in place for what needs to get done….which now includes ending this blog post that is not really a post….no thought or plan for an ending…I’m caught in a loop…I apologize and I must just “not plan” to stop here….though I do plan to post more….possibly on other stuff sometime soon….

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