Our journey in the Autism Spectrum

Archive for the ‘Conversations’ Category

Today Is the Day

Today is the day we  I have been dreading worrying about anticipating for so long. We’ve been preparing for this day for over a year; occupational therapy/sensory integration therapy, speech/language therapy and pragmatics,  ABA, fine motor skills, self-calming techniques and coping skills, social skills, countless social stories and most recently several trips to his new school along with a practice bus ride. So many brilliant, wonderful teachers and therapists have played such an important role in our lives!!! We could not have done it without them!  All for Henry’s first day of mainstream (full day!) Kindergarten … and beyond.

It’s been a few hours since he climbed right up on that bus. No fuss, no muss. Surprisingly, I haven’t yet shed a tear. A wonderful friend stopped by with some beautiful flowers. We chatted about our boys’ new experiences over coffee. I am feeling slightly less anxious. I will be busy today which I hope will be helpful .

I am remembering the conversation I had last night with my little dude at bedtime. We talked a bit about what his day will be like.  He was anxious I could tell.

“Are you nervous about tomorrow, Hen? It’s okay to be nervous.”

“I’m a little scared about it, Mom.”

“Can you tell me what you are scared about?”

“I don’t like people looking at me. I don’t like them to know my name.”

We talked about things he could do to be a little less scared. We talked about his classroom and his new teacher. I reminded him that sharing his name with others helps to make friends and that the more he does it the easier it will be and the less scared he will be. He seemed doubtful so I asked, “Well, what do you think would make it less scary for you?”

“Well, I could change my name.” He tells me, laughing!

“Change your name? What would you change it too?

“I don’t know…how about Komondo?” he says with a new burst of giggles.

This prompts his sister to chime in from across the room,”How do you spell that, Henry?”

The next few minutes are spent sounding out the new name and picking letters that work to spell it out. He’s done with our “serious” conversation.

It’s time for them to settle down and get some sleep so I try one last ditch effort to assure myself him that everything will be okay.

“Hey, Henry, it’s time for sleep. Big day tomorrow and it’s really going to be awesome, you know!”

He got serious and looked right at me with his eyebrows raised, “Mom, it is not going to be awesome.” I couldn’t really argue with that…

“But you know what?” I prompted. “It may not be exactly awesome, Henry, but it will be OKAY. And each day will get easier. And soon it will be awesome.”

For some reason he did seem to really take this in and accept it. At least in that moment.

“Okay, Mom.” We said our good-nights and both my littlest ones settled in for sleep.

Everyone slept through the night! We kept this morning as routine as possible and just added in waiting-for-the-bus and getting-on-the -bus as if it were nothing too out of the ordinary.

Now I guess I will go on about my day. I have much work to do and still one more chameleon to get to school this afternoon. Then I am off to do a short talk at TouchPoint Autism Services.  It will go by fast. The morning has already flown by! (Thank you Tracy!!!) 

And soon enough Komondo will be home again! His first day of Kindergarten completed!

Olivia and Our Family’s Destiny To Weirdness

Earlier today Lucy and I were waiting to pick Henry up from school. We had arrived a bit early so we went inside and sat in a little sitting area at the end of his hallway. She started contorting herself around sideways and had the side of her shirt lifted up. I should know better than to ask…

ME: “What are you doing?”

LUCY: “I’m trying to see it.”

ME: “See what?”

LUCY: “This.” She pointed to her side.

ME: “That freckle?” as I moved in for a closer look.

 LUCY: “Yeah, sometimes I like to name it.”

ME: “You name your freckles?”

LUCY: “Sometimes.”  

ME: “What do you name them?”

LUCY: “Olivia.”

ME: “Olivia. You named your freckle, Olivia.”

LUCY: “Yeah, sometimes I like to talk to them.”

Early Morning Mercury

This morning Henry, Lucy and I were eating breakfast together as usual. Generally there is not a lot of conversation between us at this hour of day as I’ve only had one cup of coffee or tea by this point and I am not yet ready for much dialog. We communicate enough to get the job of eating breakfast done so we can move on with our day. This morning, however, the little ones were unusually chatty.

Henry: “You know, Mom, our galaxy?”

Me: “Yes. You mean the Milky Way?”

Henry: “Yeah, the Milky Way. Well you know that stinky planet in our galaxy?”

Me: “Ummm, no. A stinky planet?”

Henry: “Right. That planet that is really fast and really stinky?”

Me: “I don’t know about a stinky planet, Hen. Is it made up of a lot of gases?”

At this point I am not sure where this is going and my brain is spinning back to 8th grade earth science trying to remember all of the planets and their different properties.

Henry: “No, it’s super fast… Mercury! Do you know Mercury, Mom?”

Me: “Oh, sure I know Mercury. I didn’t know it was stinky though.”

Henry: “Yeah, its super speedy and super stinky!” He’s gesturing really fast with one hand waving back and forth and the other hand is holding his nose. And now Lucy chimes in.

Lucy: “Yeah it’s super stinky! P.U.”  Holding her nose as well.

Henry: “Mom, you know what makes Mercury stink?”

Me: “No, I don’t know what makes it stink. Do you?”

Henry: “Do you think it’s that green stuff?”

Me: “What green stuff?”

Henry: (sounding exasperated) “Uh, helllooo, the stinky green stuff…!!!”

Me: (At this point I really need more caffeine!) “Dude, I have no idea.”

Lucy: (laughing hysterically) “Maybe the aliens are burping out of their bottoms and that’s what’s making it stink!”

I will add in here that I am thankful that about a year or so ago Henry came up with the phrase “body burping” for passing gas and we have had variations of such ever since. That’s a keeper!

Henry: “No, Lucy, that’s not it! They’re not burping out of their bottoms!”

Lucy: “Maybe the alien babies pooped in their diapers and that’s why it stinks.” (more laughing)

Henry: “Lucy! No!”

Lucy:“Mommy should change them and then Mercury wouldn’t stink!”

Henry: “Lucy! Arrrrrrrh! Stop! They’re not burping out of their bottoms and they don’t have poopy diapers!”

Lucy: “Well maybe…..”

It was here that I left the Great Stinky Planet Debate and headed for more tea and a shower. It was way too early for me to even consider trying to make more of a contribution to this conversation. Let those stinky, body-burping aliens chime in and they can change their own diapers while their at it!

Slinging Webs and Canacholearnology

We have a lot of unusual verbal exchanges that go on in our home. Usually these exchanges involve Henry as we try to figure out what the heck he is talking about. Sometimes it is downright frustrating, but most times it can be very humorous.  We encourage some (okay, a lot) of his funny Henry-speak more than we probably should but we are just so thrilled when he wants to talk and carry on any form of conversation that we feed right into it. He is our little dude of few words, stringing only one to three words together at a time if you are lucky. He shortens the sentences he chooses to speak down to the bare minimum required to get his point across…unless he decides he wants to share…and then look out!  His speech is fairly clear and he does have a decent vocabulary but he also still does a lot of garbled jargoning in between and he has developed some words and/or phrases of his very own that we have yet to decipher. To add to this, Henry can be an extremely fast talker. I can be a very fast talker myself but even when I try to say some familiar phrases as fast as Henry, I get nowhere close to his speed!

Last night’s exchange is just one small example of a conversation with Henry. I was coming down the hallway last night making my final rounds on the kiddos expecting the littlest ones to already be fast asleep. I was saying goodnight to the oldest, Molly, as she herself had just tucked in, when I thought I heard something come from Henry and Lucy’s room. I peaked in and saw Lucy was down for the count.  Henry, however,  was sitting up in bed, his big brown eyes blinking at me in the semi-dark.

“Hey, little dude. What are you still doing up?” I move over toward him and he scoots over and makes a place for me with his “friend pillow”.

“I can’t sleep, Mom.”

“Why not?”

“I’m afraid of nightmares you know, Mom.”

“I know you are buddy but you haven’t had a nightmare in a long time. And you know they are not real. They are just like pretend.”

“I know but I want a Spiderman costume that shoot webs.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. It shoots webs.” He demonstrates holding his one arm out straight and using the other to press some kind of web trigger on the outstretched arm.

“Well, you need to get to sleep, mister. Can you turn over now and try to sleep?”

“Well, yeah, but I need a Spiderman costume. It shoots webs and it is red with webs all over. Can we get one?”

“Maybe when it gets closer to Halloween we can look for one but not right now. Now is bedtime.” I am not sure where this conversation is going at this point. Right now we are talking very quietly, matter-of -factly. Nice. Sometimes these conversations can take quite a turn toward tears and meltdowns…I am treading carefully.

“But I NEED one!” More in a tone of exasperation than anxiety. I am only slightly relieved by this.

“How come you need one right now? Can you tell me?”

“Well, a Spiderman costume shoots webs.” He demonstrates how that works again. Also,in case you haven’t noticed, Spiderman is the superhero of the moment. Or at least for this evening.

“Yes, you showed me. It sounds pretty cool. What would you use the web shooter for? To keep away bad dreams?”

“Yeah. But no. It’s for canacholearn. I can use it in my lab and then I take it and shoot it. And then the bad guys get the scientist and they use if for science.” More demonstrating web shooting. “And then Spiderman and his webs shoot ALLLLL over!”

“Henry, what does “canacholearn” mean. I don’t know that word.” It’s pronounced KA-nacho-LEARN. Well, at least the best that I can tell. He says it so darn fast!

A sigh comes from Henry with what I thought were his eyes rolling at me. (In the semi-darkness it was hard to tell but I am pretty sure that’s what I saw). I have asked him on many occasions what this word/phrase means. “Science mom! Canacholearn is like science! I tell you this before!”  Sometimes he says it is for science~either way, I still don’t have a clue! Clearly there is the “uh. Duh?” tone in his voice.

“Hey, Henry, can you say that word again very slowly? I really would love to understand what you’re saying.” This “canacholearn” phrase has been driving me nuts for months and so I feel compelled to nudge the issue! What the heck is it?!?

“If I had a Spiderman costume that shoots webs I canacholearn and go to my lab and [garbled jargon that I don’t even know what letters to use to spell it out that goes on for about 15 seconds] and shoot it.”

Gee, I didn’t even have to ask him to use it in a sentence.

He doesn’t slow his speech at all but actually says this even faster. I blink back at him and I see that he is holding back a smile. A slight twitch in the corner of his mouth reveals his dimple and gives him away. That stinker!  He knows what I want and he is not giving up any of his secrets tonight.

“Okay, Henry.” I smile back at him to let him know he has won this conversation exchange. “It’s time to try to sleep. Think you can sleep now?”

“I don’t know. Yeah. But no. Okay.”

I kiss his forehead and he hugs me and kisses me back. We just look at each other for awhile and then I see those deep golden brown eyes slowly close.  I lay there for a bit longer with him, watching him, so peaceful. I wonder what is going on in that amazing brain of his. I try to imagine pictures, thoughts, words all flashing  at a speed I cannot comprehend. I am in awe of my little dude. I hope someday I will be smart enough to understand him but mostly I just hope that he will know that I am at least trying to understand.  He says he wants to be a scientist when he grows up. Maybe he is preparing for Canacholearnology. What ever it is I know he will be brilliant!

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